Tuesday, August 15, 2006

more on dr mike

talked to dr mike tonight. apparently, they're going to cut him up again next thursday at mass general. taking a nerve out of his foot (apparently he doesn't need it there!?) and slap it into his arm, giving him a 50/50 chance of feeling the fingers in his left hand in 2-3yrs, with a 50% chance of never. whoa. pretty heavy shit. all the guy wanted to do was ride his bike to work and in the process get fit, thought it wouldn't hurt his chances with this sexy lady he's into, who doesn't want that? the whole thing is poo-poo ka-ka, but he's handling it really well... and apparently, when he went down, a cpl motorcyclists saw it happen and were the ones to get an ambulance on scene, so that's a positive, as folks can be pretty wacked in this town.

hard to say/type much after that news. i'm sure it'll all go swimmingly, we got some of the best doc's in the country here in Boston, i'd rather go to mass general than most anywhere else... when i was a little, little, little kiddo, my folks packed me in the car and brought me down from schenectday, new york to the children's hospital here in beantown - and they saved my life. sometimes when i ride past there i think of my folks and how scared they must have been... other times i just hurry by...

but, right now, all i'm thinking about is mike's left hand and how they're going to do a top-notch job. he's a really, really good guy... who would ever think this sort of thing is a risk you take when you ride your bike to work!? but, it could be worse... but we never think about that, that'd be like thinking about how you could get in a car accident, or a plane crash or a whatever. the chances are so damn slim. dr mike...


At 8/16/2006 8:51 AM, Blogger Andy, R&D said...

tell mikey he can have a nerve from my foot too if that'll help.

Seriously, good luck dr. mike !


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