Friday, May 16, 2008


stay steady, go fast, speed conquers all obstacles. the singletrack here ranges from challenging rocky-rooty lines to the smoothest buffed-out banked turn rippers you can imagine. one thing all this great riding has in common is the dedicated folks who build and maintain the trails. thank you, thank you, thank you. but that is not enough. the more i ride, the more i realize i need to take time to work on these trails beyond moving dead fall off the lines when riding. trail work is the price of isolation, only so many of us here and so many quiet lines to be maintained. in 3hrs of riding today i saw one person (which is rare) and 1 set of tracks - and was maybe 10m from home at the farthest point. if i ever complain about living here, slap the stupid off me.

tough to get the groceries home in winter on the class IV roads, unless you own...


At 5/26/2008 5:02 AM, Blogger riderpitts said...

u kidding - no traffic - no fumes - no honking - you win.


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