Tea Party
wicked funny, thnks Sam for sending on.
barely getting-in the miles needed to be in any sort of shape for cx nationals, it's gonna be ugly, but our house is looking good for this wknd's open house, projects are getting knocked-out at an unprecedented rate. surprised myself w/a couple of them - necessity is by far the best mentor. have gotten some key help as well, andy rolled over and installed a storm door / trim out front - convinced him to stop-by again this wk to "help" with the other 2 doors. dr mike is rollin' tonight to "help" put an electrical outlet in...
blog's been kinda boring, no race reports to post or total geek-outs on what tires to run. been getting-in some fun mtb's, commutin', hopefully make it to cross practice this week, but no race reports... next month i'll have a cpl - as i signed-up for master men's at nationals and better do 1 or 2 races before the big show. right now i'm partaking in a super-top-secret training regimine which involves a lot of beer and ... a lot of beer.
had a lackluster ride home yesterday.
just been bike commutin', not much to blog about, could complain about the way people drive, or how bostonian pedestrians step off curbs across traffic while staring straight ahead (to illustrate their importance?). cars brake, cyclists dip and weave, accidents averted - mostly. with school back-in, commuting home in the dark, things feel less forgiving on the roadways, that's all. nothing new, change of seasons, soon will be accustomed to the night ride, but will certainly miss taking the long way home. plus there's Seneca, the long way, while condusive to riding well, doesn't make as much time for everyone else. but, i'm a believer that there's always a way, always a way to find more time, it's being wasted everywhere, minutes spill into hours and are peed away... this winter into spring will certainly be about learning how to make the most of every minute.
cruised-up to ECV's weekly cyclocross practice w/andy. they do a great job setting-up a fun course, then drills.
whoa, just re-read my post from last friday - and man is it geeked. oh well, you'll have that.