Wednesday, December 14, 2005

cold is good

back in action, rode to work this morning. 6-7 degrees, but a bluebird day with not a breath of wind, a real nice morning ride. there's still a lot of ice on the side of roadways where the cars park, have to stay focused as this is the narrow lane of "safety" (if you don't include the danger of being doored). usually i stare at the sideview mirrors and through the rear glass of parked cars in an effort to see heads in the driver seat, give me a head's-up on whether someone might pop-open a door, but usually when you get it, it's out of nowhere. wham! anyway, i digress, really enjoyed the ride into work this morning. riding year-round really makes-up for being inside an office the rest of the time. not that my office is a bad place to be, can't complain, we got some pretty cool digs here.

used this face protector stuff today (Photoderm Max) for the first time - protects the face from wind, sun, etc. jenn's been trying to get me to use it for a couple years now - as i end-up with frostbite on the cheeks/nose at least once a season... expensive, though.

Can't wait for those -10 degree days. bring it on!

i thought this was something jenn took, but it turns-out it was the photographer her design dept outsources to... anyway, i dug it:


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