Sunday, July 24, 2005

7 Big Ones

Lance is the man. No doubt. We all need heros and he's one of the greatest of this generation. Makes me wonder who'll be next...

It's getting late ... for a guy like me. 10pm on a Sunday is like 2am for a college kid (good to keep things in persepective as i slide slowly into the abyss of age - aka, my 30's - hard to fucking believe - but at least advertising firms are still focusing on my segment, when you're past that, it's over - you might as well just pull-on a pair of yellow pants, some polished white sneakers and hit the 4pm Early-Bird Special). Anyway, this endurance racing thing sure keeps the gut off. Barely. Too many tasty beers at the end of hard efforts.

This weekend was a good one. Got to see some old friends (finally saw Darrel and Jen in Newport), some new friends - and most importantly, work on the house. So many projects, too many races - leaves a lot of shit undone. Anyway, we made-up for it this weekend...

Jenn and I have both been keeping the Jay Marathon and MTB in the front of our minds as we trained, worked and lived the past couple weeks. We've done everything right, feel strong, but of course, there's also some pre-race issues. Jenn's knee has been clicking and talking to her the past week or so. We think it's from the extra biking she's been doing... but the extra biking was also part of a very successful over-reaching phase. I think the knee will mellow-out this week as she does maintenance runs... I'm more than pysched for her - not for what she'll do, or can do, or should do, but has done. No matter what happens in the next 10mins/day/week, Jenn has been dedicated and focused on this race for over 8 months. Through a snowy winter, rainy spring, and now a hot-as summer, she's done it up 5-6 days/week. From the first 3-4 mile runs to 3-4 HOUR runs, it's hard to believe this is the same woman. I feel for her this week as i know what it's like to train hard, almost obsessively, then finally be faced with the point of all the hard work. So many questions, possible loose ends to be tied up... Anyway, I can't wait for Saturday and the start of her race. it'll be such a relief - almost as much as being done that night.


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